Best mediterranean : How to prepare Al-Basha's pillow

It is a dish from Libyan cuisine one of the Best mediterranean food, and it is a delicious appetizer and easy to prepare. Many people are satisfied with this dish with soup for lunch, as it contains a high nutritional value and provides the body with the necessary energy. Still, it is classified as an appetizer because it is served alongside the main dish on occasions and spells, and to prepare it, you need To make a dough, filling, and a layer for wrapping consisting of rusk and eggs, and the following is how to make an easy and simple bacha pillow.


  Wonder Ingredients

   03 eggs.

  1.5 cups of flour.

  1.5 cups of milk.

  1/2 a teaspoon of salt.

  1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder.

  03 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Stuffing ingredients

   Medium-sized onion.

  1/2 of minced meat.

  Three tablespoons of parsley.

  Tablespoon of butter.

  A teaspoon of spices.

  1/2 a teaspoon of black pepper.

  Teaspoon salt.

Cover Layer Components

  an egg.

  1/2 a cup of rusk.

  A teaspoon of garlic powder.

How to prepare

1 - Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the baking powder and salt, and stir well.

2 - Bring another bowl and put the milk, eggs and oil in it, and mix them well until you have a mixture. Gradually add the flour to this mixture and continue to stir until the flour is finished and a liquid mixture is formed.

3 - Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour.

4 - Prepare the filling by cutting the onions in the pan, adding the ghee and salt, putting the pan over medium heat until the onions wilt, adding the minced meat, adding the black pepper and spices, and stirring until the meat is tender.

5 - Add the parsley to the meat after it is done and stir until the filling is ready.

6 - Grease a non-stick pan with a little butter, put it on medium heat, and put a little flour mixture, baking powder and salt to become a dough, then flip it on the second side and repeat the stirring until the dough becomes golden, and repeat this step until the amount of flour you have.

7 - Start preparing the dough in the form of pillows, put an amount of the filling in the roasted dough pieces, close it on all sides in the form of a square, and repeat this step until the amount of dough and filling is finished.

8 - Put the egg in a dish, add garlic powder, and put the breadcrumbs in another dish.

9 - Put the stuffed pieces in the form of pillows in the eggs and then put them in the breadcrumbs.

10 - Bring a large frying pan, put vegetable oil in it, put it on medium heat until the oil heats up, and put the stuffed pillows in the oil until it turns golden.

11 - Remove the pieces from the oil, put them on plates and serve hot.

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